Ins Blk Two Side Tap: Pbtd
1 Hole Short W/sight: Csws

Displaying: 25 - 48 of 55 Matching Items
55 Items
Part #:ILSCSWS-4-14
CU CMP 4 AWG 9/32 T UL CSA SHORT BARREL|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 4, 1 Hole, 1/4in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material|00783669630336|0007836|78366963033|63033|ILSCO CSWS-4-14|ILSCO CSWS 4 14|ILSCO CSWS414|ILSCO CSWS-4-l4| CSWS-4-14| CSWS 4 14| CSWS414| CSWS-4-l4|CSWS-4-14|CSWS 4 14|CSWS414|CSWS-4-l4:
$ 4.37
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Part #:ILSCSWS-4-516
CSWS-4-516|CSWS 4 516|CSWS4516|CSWS-4-5l6|ILSCO CSWS-4-516|ILSCO CSWS 4 516|ILSCO CSWS4516|ILSCO CSWS-4-5l6| CSWS-4-516| CSWS 4 516| CSWS4516| CSWS-4-5l6|00783669630374|0007836|78366963037|63037|"CU CMP 4 AWG 11/32 T UL CSA SHORT BARRE|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 4, 1 Hole, 5/16in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 4.37
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Part #:ILSCSWS-4-38
ILSCO CSWS-4-38|ILSCO CSWS 4 38|ILSCO CSWS438| CSWS-4-38| CSWS 4 38| CSWS438|CSWS-4-38|CSWS 4 38|CSWS438|00783669630411|0007836|78366963041|63041|"CU CMP 4 AWG 13/32 T UL CSA SHORT BARRE|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 4, 1 Hole, 3/8in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 6.26
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Part #:ILSCSWS-4-12
CU CMP 4 AWG 9/16 T UL CSA SHORT BARREL|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 4, 1 Hole, 1/2in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material|ILSCO CSWS-4-12|ILSCO CSWS 4 12|ILSCO CSWS412|ILSCO CSWS-4-1z|ILSCO CSWS-4-l2| CSWS-4-12| CSWS 4 12| CSWS412| CSWS-4-1z| CSWS-4-l2|00783669630459|0007836|78366963045|63045|CSWS-4-12|CSWS 4 12|CSWS412|CSWS-4-1z|CSWS-4-l2:
$ 6.29
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Part #:ILSCSWS-3-14
ILSCO CSWS-3-14|ILSCO CSWS 3 14|ILSCO CSWS314|ILSCO CSWS-3-l4| CSWS-3-14| CSWS 3 14| CSWS314| CSWS-3-l4|CSWS-3-14|CSWS 3 14|CSWS314|CSWS-3-l4|00783669631692|0007836|78366963169|63169|"CU CMP 3 AWG 9/32 T UL CSA SHORT BARREL|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 3, 1 Hole, 1/4in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 7.40
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Part #:ILSCSWS-3-516
00783669631739|0007836|78366963173|63173|CSWS-3-516|CSWS 3 516|CSWS3516|CSWS-3-5l6|ILSCO CSWS-3-516|ILSCO CSWS 3 516|ILSCO CSWS3516|ILSCO CSWS-3-5l6| CSWS-3-516| CSWS 3 516| CSWS3516| CSWS-3-5l6|"CU CMP 3 AWG 11/32 T UL CSA SHORT BARRE|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 3, 1 Hole, 5/16in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 7.51
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Part #:ILSCSWS-2-14
CU CMP 2 AWG 9/32 T UL CSA SHORT BARREL|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 2, 1 Hole, 1/4in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material|00783669633016|0007836|78366963301|63301|CSWS-2-14|CSWS 2 14|CSWS214|CSWS-z-14|CSWS-2-l4|ILSCO CSWS-2-14|ILSCO CSWS 2 14|ILSCO CSWS214|ILSCO CSWS-z-14|ILSCO CSWS-2-l4| CSWS-2-14| CSWS 2 14| CSWS214| CSWS-z-14| CSWS-2-l4:
$ 8.26
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Part #:ILSCSWS-2-516
ILSCO CSWS-2-516|ILSCO CSWS 2 516|ILSCO CSWS2516|ILSCO CSWS-z-516|ILSCO CSWS-2-5l6| CSWS-2-516| CSWS 2 516| CSWS2516| CSWS-z-516| CSWS-2-5l6|CSWS-2-516|CSWS 2 516|CSWS2516|CSWS-z-516|CSWS-2-5l6|00783669633054|0007836|78366963305|63305|"CU CMP 2 AWG 11/32 T UL CSA SHORT BARRE|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 2, 1 Hole, 5/16in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 8.26
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Part #:ILSCSWS-2-38
00783669633092|0007836|78366963309|63309|CSWS-2-38|CSWS 2 38|CSWS238|CSWS-z-38|ILSCO CSWS-2-38|ILSCO CSWS 2 38|ILSCO CSWS238|ILSCO CSWS-z-38| CSWS-2-38| CSWS 2 38| CSWS238| CSWS-z-38|"CU CMP 2 AWG 13/32 T UL CSA SHORT BARRE|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 2, 1 Hole, 3/8in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 8.23
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Part #:ILSCSWS-1-38
00783669634419|0007836|78366963441|63441|CSWS-1-38|CSWS 1 38|CSWS138|CSWS-l-38|ILSCO CSWS-1-38|ILSCO CSWS 1 38|ILSCO CSWS138|ILSCO CSWS-l-38| CSWS-1-38| CSWS 1 38| CSWS138| CSWS-l-38|"CU CMP 1 AWG 13/32 T UL CSA SHORT BARRE|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 1, 1 Hole, 3/8in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 8.86
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Part #:ILSCSWS-1/0-14
ILSCO CSWS-1/0-14|ILSCO CSWS 1/0 14|ILSCO CSWS1/014|ILSCO CSWS-1/o-14|ILSCO CSWS-l/0-l4|ILSCO CSWS-10-14| CSWS-1/0-14| CSWS 1/0 14| CSWS1/014| CSWS-1/o-14| CSWS-l/0-l4| CSWS-10-14|00783669635652|0007836|78366963565|63565|CSWS-1/0-14|CSWS 1/0 14|CSWS1/014|CSWS-1/o-14|CSWS-l/0-l4|CSWS-10-14|"CU CMP 1/0 AWG 9/32 T UL CSASHORT BARRE|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 1/0, 1 Hole, 1/4in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 9.57
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Part #:ILSCSWS-1/0-516
ILSCO CSWS-1/0-516|ILSCO CSWS 1/0 516|ILSCO CSWS1/0516|ILSCO CSWS-1/o-516|ILSCO CSWS-l/0-5l6|ILSCO CSWS-10-516| CSWS-1/0-516| CSWS 1/0 516| CSWS1/0516| CSWS-1/o-516| CSWS-l/0-5l6| CSWS-10-516|CSWS-1/0-516|CSWS 1/0 516|CSWS1/0516|CSWS-1/o-516|CSWS-l/0-5l6|CSWS-10-516|"CU CMP 1/0 AWG 11/32 T UL CSA SHORT BAR|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 1/0, 1 Hole, 5/16in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material"|00783669635690|0007836|78366963569|63569:
$ 9.57
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Part #:ILSCSWS1038
00783669635737|0007836|78366963573|63573|CSWS-1/0-38|CSWS 1/0 38|CSWS1/038|CSWS-1/o-38|CSWS-l/0-38|CSWS-10-38|ILSCO CSWS-1/0-38|ILSCO CSWS 1/0 38|ILSCO CSWS1/038|ILSCO CSWS-1/o-38|ILSCO CSWS-l/0-38|ILSCO CSWS-10-38| CSWS-1/0-38| CSWS 1/0 38| CSWS1/038| CSWS-1/o-38| CSWS-l/0-38| CSWS-10-38|"CU CMP 1/0 AWG 13/32 T UL CSA SHORT BAR|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 1/0, 1 Hole, 3/8in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 9.51
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Part #:ILSCSWS2038
CU CMP 2/0 AWG 13/32 T UL CSA SHORT BAR|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 2/0, 1 Hole, 3/8in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material|ILSCO CSWS-2/0-38|ILSCO CSWS 2/0 38|ILSCO CSWS2/038|ILSCO CSWS-z/0-38|ILSCO CSWS-2/o-38|ILSCO CSWS-20-38| CSWS-2/0-38| CSWS 2/0 38| CSWS2/038| CSWS-z/0-38| CSWS-2/o-38| CSWS-20-38|CSWS-2/0-38|CSWS 2/0 38|CSWS2/038|CSWS-z/0-38|CSWS-2/o-38|CSWS-20-38|00783669637052|0007836|78366963705|63705:
$ 10.89
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Part #:ILSCSWS-2/0-12
CU CMP 2/0 AWG 9/16 T UL CSASHORT BARRE|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 2/0, 1 Hole, 1/2in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material|ILSCO CSWS-2/0-12|ILSCO CSWS 2/0 12|ILSCO CSWS2/012|ILSCO CSWS-z/0-1z|ILSCO CSWS-2/o-12|ILSCO CSWS-2/0-l2|ILSCO CSWS-20-12| CSWS-2/0-12| CSWS 2/0 12| CSWS2/012| CSWS-z/0-1z| CSWS-2/o-12| CSWS-2/0-l2| CSWS-20-12|00783669637090|0007836|78366963709|63709|CSWS-2/0-12|CSWS 2/0 12|CSWS2/012|CSWS-z/0-1z|CSWS-2/o-12|CSWS-2/0-l2|CSWS-20-12:
$ 11.29
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Part #:ILSCSWS-3/0-38
CU CMP 3/0 AWG 13/32 T UL CSA SHORT BAR|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 3/0, 1 Hole, 3/8in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material|CSWS-3/0-38|CSWS 3/0 38|CSWS3/038|CSWS-3/o-38|CSWS-30-38|ILSCO CSWS-3/0-38|ILSCO CSWS 3/0 38|ILSCO CSWS3/038|ILSCO CSWS-3/o-38|ILSCO CSWS-30-38| CSWS-3/0-38| CSWS 3/0 38| CSWS3/038| CSWS-3/o-38| CSWS-30-38|00783669638370|0007836|78366963837|63837:
$ 13.20
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Part #:ILSCSWS-3/0-12
ILSCO CSWS-3/0-12|ILSCO CSWS 3/0 12|ILSCO CSWS3/012|ILSCO CSWS-3/0-1z|ILSCO CSWS-3/o-12|ILSCO CSWS-3/0-l2|ILSCO CSWS-30-12| CSWS-3/0-12| CSWS 3/0 12| CSWS3/012| CSWS-3/0-1z| CSWS-3/o-12| CSWS-3/0-l2| CSWS-30-12|00783669638417|0007836|78366963841|63841|CSWS-3/0-12|CSWS 3/0 12|CSWS3/012|CSWS-3/0-1z|CSWS-3/o-12|CSWS-3/0-l2|CSWS-30-12|"CU CMP 3/0 AWG 9/16 T UL CSASHORT BARRE|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 3/0, 1 Hole, 1/2in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 12.89
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Part #:ILSCSWS-4/0-516
CU CMP 4/0 AWG 11/32 T UL CSA SHORT BAR|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 4/0, 1 Hole, 5/16in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material|ILSCO CSWS-4/0-516|ILSCO CSWS 4/0 516|ILSCO CSWS4/0516|ILSCO CSWS-4/o-516|ILSCO CSWS-4/0-5l6|ILSCO CSWS-40-516| CSWS-4/0-516| CSWS 4/0 516| CSWS4/0516| CSWS-4/o-516| CSWS-4/0-5l6| CSWS-40-516|00783669639612|0007836|78366963961|63961|CSWS-4/0-516|CSWS 4/0 516|CSWS4/0516|CSWS-4/o-516|CSWS-4/0-5l6|CSWS-40-516:
$ 14.69
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Part #:ILSCSWS-4/0-38
CU CMP 4/0 AWG 13/32 T UL CSA SHORT BAR|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 4/0, 1 Hole, 3/8in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material|ILSCO CSWS-4/0-38|ILSCO CSWS 4/0 38|ILSCO CSWS4/038|ILSCO CSWS-4/o-38|ILSCO CSWS-40-38| CSWS-4/0-38| CSWS 4/0 38| CSWS4/038| CSWS-4/o-38| CSWS-40-38|00783669639650|0007836|78366963965|63965|CSWS-4/0-38|CSWS 4/0 38|CSWS4/038|CSWS-4/o-38|CSWS-40-38:
$ 14.77
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Part #:ILSCSWS-4/0-12
CU CMP 4/0 AWG 9/16 T UL CSASHORT BARRE|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 4/0, 1 Hole, 1/2in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material|00783669639698|0007836|78366963969|63969|CSWS-4/0-12|CSWS 4/0 12|CSWS4/012|CSWS-4/0-1z|CSWS-4/o-12|CSWS-4/0-l2|CSWS-40-12|ILSCO CSWS-4/0-12|ILSCO CSWS 4/0 12|ILSCO CSWS4/012|ILSCO CSWS-4/0-1z|ILSCO CSWS-4/o-12|ILSCO CSWS-4/0-l2|ILSCO CSWS-40-12| CSWS-4/0-12| CSWS 4/0 12| CSWS4/012| CSWS-4/0-1z| CSWS-4/o-12| CSWS-4/0-l2| CSWS-40-12:
$ 14.69
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Part #:ILSCSWS-250-38
ILSCO CSWS-250-38|ILSCO CSWS 250 38|ILSCO CSWS25038|ILSCO CSWS-z50-38|ILSCO CSWS-25o-38| CSWS-250-38| CSWS 250 38| CSWS25038| CSWS-z50-38| CSWS-25o-38|CSWS-250-38|CSWS 250 38|CSWS25038|CSWS-z50-38|CSWS-25o-38|00783669640731|0007836|78366964073|64073|"CU CMP 250 kcmil 13/32 T UL CSA SHORT B|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 250, 1 Hole, 3/8in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 17.34
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Part #:ILSCSWS-350-38
ILSCO CSWS-350-38|ILSCO CSWS 350 38|ILSCO CSWS35038|ILSCO CSWS-35o-38| CSWS-350-38| CSWS 350 38| CSWS35038| CSWS-35o-38|CSWS-350-38|CSWS 350 38|CSWS35038|CSWS-35o-38|"CU CMP 350 kcmil 13/32 T UL CSA SHORT B|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 350, 1 Hole, 3/8in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material"|00783669642971|0007836|78366964297|64297:
$ 20.71
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Part #:ILSCSWS-350-12
CU CMP 350 kcmil 9/16 T UL CSA SHORT BA|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 350, 1 Hole, 1/2in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material|CSWS-350-12|CSWS 350 12|CSWS35012|CSWS-350-1z|CSWS-35o-12|CSWS-350-l2|ILSCO CSWS-350-12|ILSCO CSWS 350 12|ILSCO CSWS35012|ILSCO CSWS-350-1z|ILSCO CSWS-35o-12|ILSCO CSWS-350-l2| CSWS-350-12| CSWS 350 12| CSWS35012| CSWS-350-1z| CSWS-35o-12| CSWS-350-l2|00783669643015|0007836|78366964301|64301:
$ 20.71
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Part #:ILSCSWS-500-12
00783669645255|0007836|78366964525|64525|CSWS-500-12|CSWS 500 12|CSWS50012|CSWS-500-1z|CSWS-5oo-12|CSWS-500-l2|ILSCO CSWS-500-12|ILSCO CSWS 500 12|ILSCO CSWS50012|ILSCO CSWS-500-1z|ILSCO CSWS-5oo-12|ILSCO CSWS-500-l2| CSWS-500-12| CSWS 500 12| CSWS50012| CSWS-500-1z| CSWS-5oo-12| CSWS-500-l2|"CU CMP 500 kcmil 9/16 T UL CSA SHORT BA|Surecrimp Copper Compression Lug, Conductor Size 500, 1 Hole, 1/2in Bolt Size, Standard Barrel, Sight Window, Tin Plated, UL, CSA|Twist-on wire connector|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 30.09
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Displaying: 25 - 48 of 55 Matching Items