500 & 700 Series Raceway
3-Piece Union

Displaying: 1 - 24 of 68 Matching Items
68 Items
Part #:W-MV700
00786776070194|0007867|78677607019|07019|"STL RACEWAY 700 IVORY|Ivory 700 Series raceway from Wiremold is ideal for surface mounting small amounts of electrical wiring or communication cables. These rugged raceways offer a low profile appearance which blend with any decor. Available in our exclusive ScuffCoat finish in 10 foot lengths. For 5' lengths order catalog numbers with the ""-5"" suffix. Finish - Ivory|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems"|Wiremold V700|Wiremold V7oo|WIREMOLD V700|WIREMOLD V7oo|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V700|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V7oo|V700|V7oo:
$ 3.46 CA
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Part #:APPEC50
1/2 IN 3 PIECE UNION|3-Piece Union, Trade Size:
1/2 IN, Outside Diameter
$ 8.63
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Part #:APPEC75
3/4 IN 3 PIECE UNION|3-Piece Union, Trade Size:
3/4 IN, Outside Diameter
$ 11.06
add to cart
Part #:APPEC100
00781381247801|0007813|78138124780|24780|EC-100|EC 100|EC100|EC-1oo|EC-l00|Appleton Electric EC-100|Appleton Electric EC 100|Appleton Electric EC100|Appleton Electric EC-1oo|Appleton Electric EC-l00|Apleton EC-100|Apleton EC 100|Apleton EC100|Apleton EC-1oo|Apleton EC-l00|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON EC-100|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON EC 100|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON EC100|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON EC-1oo|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON EC-l00|APPLETON GROUP EC-100|APPLETON GROUP EC 100|APPLETON GROUP EC100|APPLETON GROUP EC-1oo|APPLETON GROUP EC-l00|APPLETN EC-100|APPLETN EC 100|APPLETN EC100|APPLETN EC-1oo|APPLETN EC-l00|Appleton NON-STOCK EC-100|Appleton NON-STOCK EC 100|Appleton NON-STOCK EC100|Appleton NON-STOCK EC-1oo|Appleton NON-STOCK EC-l00|APLE EC-100|APLE EC 100|APLE EC100|APLE EC-1oo|APLE EC-l00|APPLETON EC-100|APPLETON EC 100|APPLETON EC100|APPLETON EC-1oo|APPLETON EC-l00|Apletin Electric EC-100|Apletin Electric EC 100|Apletin Electric EC100|Apletin Electric EC-1oo|Apletin Electric EC-l00|Appletin Electric EC-100|Appletin Electric EC 100|Appletin Electric EC100|Appletin Electric EC-1oo|Appletin Electric EC-l00|Apleton Electric EC-100|Apleton Electric EC 100|Apleton Electric EC100|Apleton Electric EC-1oo|Apleton Electric EC-l00|Appleton Electric EC-100|Appleton Electric EC 100|Appleton Electric EC100|Appleton Electric EC-1oo|Appleton Electric EC-l00|Apletin EC-100|Apletin EC 100|Apletin EC100|Apletin EC-1oo|Apletin EC-l00|Appletin EC-100|Appletin EC 100|Appletin EC100|Appletin EC-1oo|Appletin EC-l00|Appleton EC-100|Appleton EC 100|Appleton EC100|Appleton EC-1oo|Appleton EC-l00|APLEN EC-100|APLEN EC 100|APLEN EC100|APLEN EC-1oo|APLEN EC-l00|"1 IN 3 PIECE UNION|3-Piece Union, Trade Size:
1 IN, Outside Diameter
$ 20.03
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Part #:APPK50
K50|K5o|00781381470209|0007813|78138147020|47020|Appleton Electric K50|Appleton Electric K5o|Apleton K50|Apleton K5o|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON K50|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON K5o|APPLETON GROUP K50|APPLETON GROUP K5o|APPLETN K50|APPLETN K5o|Appleton NON-STOCK K50|Appleton NON-STOCK K5o|APLE K50|APLE K5o|APPLETON K50|APPLETON K5o|Apletin Electric K50|Apletin Electric K5o|Appletin Electric K50|Appletin Electric K5o|Apleton Electric K50|Apleton Electric K5o|Appleton Electric K50|Appleton Electric K5o|Apletin K50|Apletin K5o|Appletin K50|Appletin K5o|Appleton K50|Appleton K5o|APLEN K50|APLEN K5o|"1/2 COVER FOR FORM 35 UNILET|Form 35 UNILETS Blank Cover With Screw, Hub Size:
1/2 IN, Form
$ 6.60
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Part #:APPK75
3/4 COVER FOR FORM 35 UNILET|Form 35 UNILETS Blank Cover With Screw, Hub Size:
3/4 IN, Form
$ 7.97
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Part #:APPK100
1 COVER FOR FORM 35 UNILET|Form 35 UNILETS Blank Cover With Screw, Hub Size:
1 IN, Form
$ 10.94
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Part #:APPK125150
Appleton Electric K125&150|Appleton Electric K1z5&150|Appleton Electric K125&15o|Appleton Electric Kl25&l50|Apleton K125&150|Apleton K1z5&150|Apleton K125&15o|Apleton Kl25&l50|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON K125&150|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON K1z5&150|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON K125&15o|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON Kl25&l50|APPLETON GROUP K125&150|APPLETON GROUP K1z5&150|APPLETON GROUP K125&15o|APPLETON GROUP Kl25&l50|APPLETN K125&150|APPLETN K1z5&150|APPLETN K125&15o|APPLETN Kl25&l50|Appleton NON-STOCK K125&150|Appleton NON-STOCK K1z5&150|Appleton NON-STOCK K125&15o|Appleton NON-STOCK Kl25&l50|APLE K125&150|APLE K1z5&150|APLE K125&15o|APLE Kl25&l50|APPLETON K125&150|APPLETON K1z5&150|APPLETON K125&15o|APPLETON Kl25&l50|Apletin Electric K125&150|Apletin Electric K1z5&150|Apletin Electric K125&15o|Apletin Electric Kl25&l50|Appletin Electric K125&150|Appletin Electric K1z5&150|Appletin Electric K125&15o|Appletin Electric Kl25&l50|Apleton Electric K125&150|Apleton Electric K1z5&150|Apleton Electric K125&15o|Apleton Electric Kl25&l50|Appleton Electric K125&150|Appleton Electric K1z5&150|Appleton Electric K125&15o|Appleton Electric Kl25&l50|Apletin K125&150|Apletin K1z5&150|Apletin K125&15o|Apletin Kl25&l50|Appletin K125&150|Appletin K1z5&150|Appletin K125&15o|Appletin Kl25&l50|Appleton K125&150|Appleton K1z5&150|Appleton K125&15o|Appleton Kl25&l50|APLEN K125&150|APLEN K1z5&150|APLEN K125&15o|APLEN Kl25&l50|00781381470858|0007813|78138147085|47085|K125&150|K1z5&150|K125&15o|Kl25&l50|"1-1/4&1-1/2 COVER FOR FORM 35|Form 35 UNILETS Blank Cover With Screw, Hub Size:
1-1/4 - 1-1/2 IN, Form
$ 13.14
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Part #:APPK200
2 COVER FOR FORM 35 UNILET|Form 35 UNILETS Blank Cover With Screw, Hub Size:
2 IN, Form
$ 23.11
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Part #:APPK250300
Appleton Electric K250&300|Appleton Electric Kz50&300|Appleton Electric K25o&3oo|Apleton K250&300|Apleton Kz50&300|Apleton K25o&3oo|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON K250&300|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON Kz50&300|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON K25o&3oo|APPLETON GROUP K250&300|APPLETON GROUP Kz50&300|APPLETON GROUP K25o&3oo|APPLETN K250&300|APPLETN Kz50&300|APPLETN K25o&3oo|Appleton NON-STOCK K250&300|Appleton NON-STOCK Kz50&300|Appleton NON-STOCK K25o&3oo|APLE K250&300|APLE Kz50&300|APLE K25o&3oo|APPLETON K250&300|APPLETON Kz50&300|APPLETON K25o&3oo|Apletin Electric K250&300|Apletin Electric Kz50&300|Apletin Electric K25o&3oo|Appletin Electric K250&300|Appletin Electric Kz50&300|Appletin Electric K25o&3oo|Apleton Electric K250&300|Apleton Electric Kz50&300|Apleton Electric K25o&3oo|Appleton Electric K250&300|Appleton Electric Kz50&300|Appleton Electric K25o&3oo|Apletin K250&300|Apletin Kz50&300|Apletin K25o&3oo|Appletin K250&300|Appletin Kz50&300|Appletin K25o&3oo|Appleton K250&300|Appleton Kz50&300|Appleton K25o&3oo|APLEN K250&300|APLEN Kz50&300|APLEN K25o&3oo|K250&300|Kz50&300|K25o&3oo|00781381471657|0007813|78138147165|47165|"2-1/2 & 3 COVER FOR FORM 35|Form 35 UNILETS Blank Cover With Screw, Hub Size:
2-1/2 - 3 IN, Form
$ 36.77
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Part #:APP280
00781381744638|0781381|781381744638|78138174463|74463|280|3/4 FORM 8 STEEL COVER|Apleten Electric 280|Apletin Electric 280|Apleton Electric 280|Appleten Electric 280|Appletin Electric 280|Appleton 280|Appleton Electric 280:
$ 14.71
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Part #:BURYA34N
500 CU 1-HOLE LONG 1/2|500 kcmil CU, One Hole, 1/2 Stud Size, Long Barrel, Internal Chamfer, Tin Plated, UL/CSA, 90C, Up to 35kV,BROWN Color Code, 20 or 299 Die Index.|Crimp cable lug for copper conductors|Installation, isolation and connection material|"Burndy YA34N|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YA34N|BRNDYSOL YA34N|BRND YA34N|BUR BURNDY YA34N|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YA34N|BURN YA34N|BURNDY PRODUCTS YA34N|BURNDYFCI YA34N|Burndie YA34N|Berndie YA34N|BURNDY YA34N|Berndy YA34N|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YA34N|BURNDY INC. YA34N|BURNDY LLC YA34N|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YA34N"|00781810017937|0007818|78181001793|01793|YA34N:
$ 39.51
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Part #:BURYA36N
600 CU 1-HOLE LONG 1/2|600 kcmil CU, One Hole, 1/2 Stud Size, Long Barrel, Internal Chamfer, Tin Plated, UL/CSA, 90C, Up to 35kV,GREEN Color Code, 22 or 472 Die Index.|Crimp cable lug for copper conductors|Installation, isolation and connection material|"Burndy YA36N|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YA36N|BRNDYSOL YA36N|BRND YA36N|BUR BURNDY YA36N|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YA36N|BURN YA36N|BURNDY PRODUCTS YA36N|BURNDYFCI YA36N|Burndie YA36N|Berndie YA36N|BURNDY YA36N|Berndy YA36N|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YA36N|BURNDY INC. YA36N|BURNDY LLC YA36N|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YA36N"|YA36N|00781810021040|0007818|78181002104|02104:
$ 70.69
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CU HYLUG- 2STR-NEMA (1)|2 AWG CU, One Hole, 1/2 Stud Size, Long Barrel, Internal Chamfer, Tin Plated, UL/CSA, 90C, Up to 35kV,BROWN Color Code, 10 Die Index.|Crimp cable lug for copper conductors|Installation, isolation and connection material|"Burndy YA2CN|Burndy YAzCN|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YA2CN|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YAzCN|BRNDYSOL YA2CN|BRNDYSOL YAzCN|BRND YA2CN|BRND YAzCN|BUR BURNDY YA2CN|BUR BURNDY YAzCN|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YA2CN|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YAzCN|BURN YA2CN|BURN YAzCN|BURNDY PRODUCTS YA2CN|BURNDY PRODUCTS YAzCN|BURNDYFCI YA2CN|BURNDYFCI YAzCN|Burndie YA2CN|Burndie YAzCN|Berndie YA2CN|Berndie YAzCN|BURNDY YA2CN|BURNDY YAzCN|Berndy YA2CN|Berndy YAzCN|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YA2CN|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YAzCN|BURNDY INC. YA2CN|BURNDY INC. YAzCN|BURNDY LLC YA2CN|BURNDY LLC YAzCN|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YA2CN|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YAzCN"|YA2CN|YAzCN|00781810080207|0007818|78181008020|08020:
$ 16.74
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Part #:BURYA1C
1STR CU 1-HOLE LONG, SD|1 AWG CU, One Hole, 5/16 Stud Size, Long Barrel, Internal Chamfer, Tin Plated, UL/CSA, 90C, Up to 35kV,GREEN Color Code, 11 or 375 Die Index.|Crimp cable lug for copper conductors|Installation, isolation and connection material|"Burndy YA1C|Burndy YAlC|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YA1C|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YAlC|BRNDYSOL YA1C|BRNDYSOL YAlC|BRND YA1C|BRND YAlC|BUR BURNDY YA1C|BUR BURNDY YAlC|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YA1C|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YAlC|BURN YA1C|BURN YAlC|BURNDY PRODUCTS YA1C|BURNDY PRODUCTS YAlC|BURNDYFCI YA1C|BURNDYFCI YAlC|Burndie YA1C|Burndie YAlC|Berndie YA1C|Berndie YAlC|BURNDY YA1C|BURNDY YAlC|Berndy YA1C|Berndy YAlC|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YA1C|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YAlC|BURNDY INC. YA1C|BURNDY INC. YAlC|BURNDY LLC YA1C|BURNDY LLC YAlC|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YA1C|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YAlC"|YA1C|YAlC|00781810500309|0007818|78181050030|50030:
$ 11.86
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Part #:BURYA2C
00781810500651|0007818|78181050065|50065|YA2C|YAzC|"Burndy YA2C|Burndy YAzC|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YA2C|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YAzC|BRNDYSOL YA2C|BRNDYSOL YAzC|BRND YA2C|BRND YAzC|BUR BURNDY YA2C|BUR BURNDY YAzC|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YA2C|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YAzC|BURN YA2C|BURN YAzC|BURNDY PRODUCTS YA2C|BURNDY PRODUCTS YAzC|BURNDYFCI YA2C|BURNDYFCI YAzC|Burndie YA2C|Burndie YAzC|Berndie YA2C|Berndie YAzC|BURNDY YA2C|BURNDY YAzC|Berndy YA2C|Berndy YAzC|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YA2C|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YAzC|BURNDY INC. YA2C|BURNDY INC. YAzC|BURNDY LLC YA2C|BURNDY LLC YAzC|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YA2C|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YAzC"|"2STR CU 1-HOLE LONG 5/16|2 AWG CU, One Hole, 5/16 Stud Size, Long Barrel, Internal Chamfer, Tin Plated, UL/CSA, 90C, Up to 35kV,BROWN Color Code, 10 Die Index.|Crimp cable lug for copper conductors|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 10.46
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Part #:BURYA3C
YA3C|00781810501207|0007818|78181050120|50120|"Burndy YA3C|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YA3C|BRNDYSOL YA3C|BRND YA3C|BUR BURNDY YA3C|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YA3C|BURN YA3C|BURNDY PRODUCTS YA3C|BURNDYFCI YA3C|Burndie YA3C|Berndie YA3C|BURNDY YA3C|Berndy YA3C|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YA3C|BURNDY INC. YA3C|BURNDY LLC YA3C|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YA3C"|"3 STR CU 1-HOLE LONG 5/1|3 AWG CU, One Hole, 5/16 Stud Size, Long Barrel, Internal Chamfer, Tin Plated, UL/CSA, 90C, Up to 35kV,WHITE Color Code, 9 Die Index.|Crimp cable lug for copper conductors|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 10.83
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Part #:BURYA6C
6AWG 1/4STUD LONG|6 AWG CU, One Hole, 1/4 Stud Size, Long Barrel, Internal Chamfer, Tin Plated, UL/CSA, 90C, Up to 35kV,BLUE Color Code, 7 or 374 Die Index.|Crimp cable lug for copper conductors|Installation, isolation and connection material|"Burndy YA6C|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YA6C|BRNDYSOL YA6C|BRND YA6C|BUR BURNDY YA6C|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YA6C|BURN YA6C|BURNDY PRODUCTS YA6C|BURNDYFCI YA6C|Burndie YA6C|Berndie YA6C|BURNDY YA6C|Berndy YA6C|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YA6C|BURNDY INC. YA6C|BURNDY LLC YA6C|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YA6C"|00781810501757|0007818|78181050175|50175|YA6C:
$ 4.23
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Part #:BURYA25
Burndy YA25|Burndy YAz5|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YA25|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YAz5|BRNDYSOL YA25|BRNDYSOL YAz5|BRND YA25|BRND YAz5|BUR BURNDY YA25|BUR BURNDY YAz5|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YA25|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YAz5|BURN YA25|BURN YAz5|BURNDY PRODUCTS YA25|BURNDY PRODUCTS YAz5|BURNDYFCI YA25|BURNDYFCI YAz5|Burndie YA25|Burndie YAz5|Berndie YA25|Berndie YAz5|BURNDY YA25|BURNDY YAz5|Berndy YA25|Berndy YAz5|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YA25|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YAz5|BURNDY INC. YA25|BURNDY INC. YAz5|BURNDY LLC YA25|BURNDY LLC YAz5|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YA25|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YAz5|00781810502150|0007818|78181050215|50215|YA25|YAz5|"1/0 CU 1-HOLE, LONG 5/16|1/0 AWG CU, One Hole, 5/16 Stud Size, Long Barrel, Internal Chamfer, Tin Plated, UL/CSA, 90C, Up to 35kV,PINK Color Code, 12 or 348 Die Index.|Crimp cable lug for copper conductors|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 12.14
add to cart
Part #:BURYA26
Burndy YA26|Burndy YAz6|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YA26|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YAz6|BRNDYSOL YA26|BRNDYSOL YAz6|BRND YA26|BRND YAz6|BUR BURNDY YA26|BUR BURNDY YAz6|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YA26|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YAz6|BURN YA26|BURN YAz6|BURNDY PRODUCTS YA26|BURNDY PRODUCTS YAz6|BURNDYFCI YA26|BURNDYFCI YAz6|Burndie YA26|Burndie YAz6|Berndie YA26|Berndie YAz6|BURNDY YA26|BURNDY YAz6|Berndy YA26|Berndy YAz6|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YA26|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YAz6|BURNDY INC. YA26|BURNDY INC. YAz6|BURNDY LLC YA26|BURNDY LLC YAz6|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YA26|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YAz6|YA26|YAz6|00781810502600|0007818|78181050260|50260|"2/0 CU 1-HOLE LONG 3/8|2/0 AWG CU, One Hole, 3/8 Stud Size, Long Barrel, Internal Chamfer, Tin Plated, UL/CSA, 90C, Up to 35kV,BLACK Color Code, 13 Die Index.|Crimp cable lug for copper conductors|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 14.40
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Part #:BURYA27
Burndy YA27|Burndy YAz7|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YA27|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YAz7|BRNDYSOL YA27|BRNDYSOL YAz7|BRND YA27|BRND YAz7|BUR BURNDY YA27|BUR BURNDY YAz7|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YA27|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YAz7|BURN YA27|BURN YAz7|BURNDY PRODUCTS YA27|BURNDY PRODUCTS YAz7|BURNDYFCI YA27|BURNDYFCI YAz7|Burndie YA27|Burndie YAz7|Berndie YA27|Berndie YAz7|BURNDY YA27|BURNDY YAz7|Berndy YA27|Berndy YAz7|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YA27|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YAz7|BURNDY INC. YA27|BURNDY INC. YAz7|BURNDY LLC YA27|BURNDY LLC YAz7|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YA27|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YAz7|YA27|YAz7|00781810503102|0007818|78181050310|50310|"3/0 CU 1-HOLE LONG 1/2|3/0 AWG CU, One Hole, 1/2 Stud Size, Long Barrel, Internal Chamfer, Tin Plated, UL/CSA, 90C, Up to 35kV,ORANGE Color Code, 14 Die Index.|Crimp cable lug for copper conductors|Installation, isolation and connection material":
$ 17.54
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Part #:BURYA28
CUHYLUG 4/0 1/2STUD|4/0 AWG CU, One Hole, 1/2 Stud Size, Long Barrel, Internal Chamfer, Tin Plated, UL/CSA, 90C, Up to 35kV,PURPLE Color Code, 15 Die Index.|Crimp cable lug for copper conductors|Installation, isolation and connection material|YA28|YAz8|00781810503409|0007818|78181050340|50340|"Burndy YA28|Burndy YAz8|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YA28|Burndy-US, a Hubbell affiliate YAz8|BRNDYSOL YA28|BRNDYSOL YAz8|BRND YA28|BRND YAz8|BUR BURNDY YA28|BUR BURNDY YAz8|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YA28|Burndy-US a Hubbell affiliate YAz8|BURN YA28|BURN YAz8|BURNDY PRODUCTS YA28|BURNDY PRODUCTS YAz8|BURNDYFCI YA28|BURNDYFCI YAz8|Burndie YA28|Burndie YAz8|Berndie YA28|Berndie YAz8|BURNDY YA28|BURNDY YAz8|Berndy YA28|Berndy YAz8|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YA28|BURNDY ELECTRICAL YAz8|BURNDY INC. YA28|BURNDY INC. YAz8|BURNDY LLC YA28|BURNDY LLC YAz8|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YA28|BURNDY BY HUBBELL YAz8":
$ 19.43
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Part #:P-SL1420R
Legrand Pass & Seymour L1420R|Legrand Pass & Seymour L14z0R|Legrand Pass & Seymour L142oR|Legrand Pass & Seymour Ll420R|Lagrand Pass & Seymour L1420R|Lagrand Pass & Seymour L14z0R|Lagrand Pass & Seymour L142oR|Lagrand Pass & Seymour Ll420R|Legrand L1420R|Legrand L14z0R|Legrand L142oR|Legrand Ll420R|PASS & SEYMOUR L1420R|PASS & SEYMOUR L14z0R|PASS & SEYMOUR L142oR|PASS & SEYMOUR Ll420R|Lagrand Pass & Seymore L1420R|Lagrand Pass & Seymore L14z0R|Lagrand Pass & Seymore L142oR|Lagrand Pass & Seymore Ll420R|Legrand-Pass Seymour L1420R|Legrand-Pass Seymour L14z0R|Legrand-Pass Seymour L142oR|Legrand-Pass Seymour Ll420R|Lagrand Pas & Seymore L1420R|Lagrand Pas & Seymore L14z0R|Lagrand Pas & Seymore L142oR|Lagrand Pas & Seymore Ll420R|Lagrand Pass & Seamour L1420R|Lagrand Pass & Seamour L14z0R|Lagrand Pass & Seamour L142oR|Lagrand Pass & Seamour Ll420R|Legrand Pass & Seamore L1420R|Legrand Pass & Seamore L14z0R|Legrand Pass & Seamore L142oR|Legrand Pass & Seamore Ll420R|Legrand Pas & Seymore L1420R|Legrand Pas & Seymore L14z0R|Legrand Pas & Seymore L142oR|Legrand Pas & Seymore Ll420R|Lagrand Pas & Seymour L1420R|Lagrand Pas & Seymour L14z0R|Lagrand Pas & Seymour L142oR|Lagrand Pas & Seymour Ll420R|PAS PASS & SEYMOUR LEGRAND L1420R|PAS PASS & SEYMOUR LEGRAND L14z0R|PAS PASS & SEYMOUR LEGRAND L142oR|PAS PASS & SEYMOUR LEGRAND Ll420R|PASS&SEYMOURLEGRAND L1420R|PASS&SEYMOURLEGRAND L14z0R|PASS&SEYMOURLEGRAND L142oR|PASS&SEYMOURLEGRAND Ll420R|PassSeymor L1420R|PassSeymor L14z0R|PassSeymor L142oR|PassSeymor Ll420R|L1420R|L14z0R|L142oR|Ll420R|TURNLOK SINGLE REC 4W 20A 125/250V|Turnlok Single Receptacle 4wire 20amp 125/250volts|Socket outlet|Domestic switching devices|00785007142051|0007850|78500714205|14205:
$ 38.00
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Part #:P-SL1430R
00785007143058|0007850|78500714305|14305|L1430R|L143oR|Ll430R|Legrand Pass & Seymour L1430R|Legrand Pass & Seymour L143oR|Legrand Pass & Seymour Ll430R|Lagrand Pass & Seymour L1430R|Lagrand Pass & Seymour L143oR|Lagrand Pass & Seymour Ll430R|Legrand L1430R|Legrand L143oR|Legrand Ll430R|PASS & SEYMOUR L1430R|PASS & SEYMOUR L143oR|PASS & SEYMOUR Ll430R|Lagrand Pass & Seymore L1430R|Lagrand Pass & Seymore L143oR|Lagrand Pass & Seymore Ll430R|Legrand-Pass Seymour L1430R|Legrand-Pass Seymour L143oR|Legrand-Pass Seymour Ll430R|Lagrand Pas & Seymore L1430R|Lagrand Pas & Seymore L143oR|Lagrand Pas & Seymore Ll430R|Lagrand Pass & Seamour L1430R|Lagrand Pass & Seamour L143oR|Lagrand Pass & Seamour Ll430R|Legrand Pass & Seamore L1430R|Legrand Pass & Seamore L143oR|Legrand Pass & Seamore Ll430R|Legrand Pas & Seymore L1430R|Legrand Pas & Seymore L143oR|Legrand Pas & Seymore Ll430R|Lagrand Pas & Seymour L1430R|Lagrand Pas & Seymour L143oR|Lagrand Pas & Seymour Ll430R|PAS PASS & SEYMOUR LEGRAND L1430R|PAS PASS & SEYMOUR LEGRAND L143oR|PAS PASS & SEYMOUR LEGRAND Ll430R|PASS&SEYMOURLEGRAND L1430R|PASS&SEYMOURLEGRAND L143oR|PASS&SEYMOURLEGRAND Ll430R|PassSeymor L1430R|PassSeymor L143oR|PassSeymor Ll430R|TURNLOK SGL RECEPT 4W 30A 125/250V|Turnlok Single Receptacle 4wire 30amp 125/250volts|Socket outlet|Domestic switching devices:
$ 76.43
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