Cable Fitting
Active Filters :
- Type: Cable Fitting Cable Snap Clip Easy Snap Grommet Hand Tools: Hdt Supports
Part #:ARL8415
- Arlington 8415|Arlington 84l5|ARLINGTO 8415|ARLINGTO 84l5|Arlington 8415|Arlington 84l5|Arlingtin 8415|Arlingtin 84l5|Arlingtan 8415|Arlingtan 84l5|ARLINGTON INDUS 8415|ARLINGTON INDUS 84l5|ARLINGTON INDUSTRIES 8415|ARLINGTON INDUSTRIES 84l5|Arlington Ind. 8415|Arlington Ind. 84l5|00018997005830|0000189|01899700583|00583|8415|84l5|"2"" 4-SCREW MC CONN.ADA|For steel and aluminum cable, Zinc die-cast MC feeder cable connector with a steel strap. Including an end stop that comes with additional end stop bushings for a wider range of cables. Secures into a 2"" knockout with a steel locknut. Concrete tight when taped.":
Part #:ARL8412
- Arlington 8412|Arlington 841z|Arlington 84l2|ARLINGTO 8412|ARLINGTO 841z|ARLINGTO 84l2|Arlington 8412|Arlington 841z|Arlington 84l2|Arlingtin 8412|Arlingtin 841z|Arlingtin 84l2|Arlingtan 8412|Arlingtan 841z|Arlingtan 84l2|ARLINGTON INDUS 8412|ARLINGTON INDUS 841z|ARLINGTON INDUS 84l2|ARLINGTON INDUSTRIES 8412|ARLINGTON INDUSTRIES 841z|ARLINGTON INDUSTRIES 84l2|Arlington Ind. 8412|Arlington Ind. 841z|Arlington Ind. 84l2|00018997084125|0000189|01899708412|08412|8412|841z|84l2|"1"" KO 2-SCREW ADAPTABL|For steel and aluminum cable, Zinc die-cast MC feeder cable connector with a steel strap. Including an end stop that comes with additional end stop bushings for a wider range of cables. Secures into a 1"" knockout with a steel locknut. Concrete tight when taped.":
Part #:ARL8413
- Arlington 8413|Arlington 84l3|ARLINGTO 8413|ARLINGTO 84l3|Arlington 8413|Arlington 84l3|Arlingtin 8413|Arlingtin 84l3|Arlingtan 8413|Arlingtan 84l3|ARLINGTON INDUS 8413|ARLINGTON INDUS 84l3|ARLINGTON INDUSTRIES 8413|ARLINGTON INDUSTRIES 84l3|Arlington Ind. 8413|Arlington Ind. 84l3|00018997084132|0000189|01899708413|08413|8413|84l3|"1-1/4"" 2-SCREW ADAPTABL|For steel and aluminum cable, Zinc die-cast MC feeder cable connector with a steel strap. Including an end stop that comes with additional end stop bushings for a wider range of cables. Secures into a 1-1/4"" knockout with a steel locknut. Concrete tight when taped.":
Part #:ARL8414
- 1-1/2" 2-SCREW ADAPTABL|For steel and aluminum cable, Zinc die-cast MC feeder cable connector with a steel strap. Including an end stop that comes with additional end stop bushings for a wider range of cables. Secures into a 1-1/2" knockout with a steel locknut. Concrete tight when taped.|Arlington 8414|Arlington 84l4|ARLINGTO 8414|ARLINGTO 84l4|Arlington 8414|Arlington 84l4|Arlingtin 8414|Arlingtin 84l4|Arlingtan 8414|Arlingtan 84l4|ARLINGTON INDUS 8414|ARLINGTON INDUS 84l4|ARLINGTON INDUSTRIES 8414|ARLINGTON INDUSTRIES 84l4|Arlington Ind. 8414|Arlington Ind. 84l4|8414|84l4|00018997084149|0000189|01899708414|08414:
Part #:ERIESG1
- 00782856510000|0007828|78285651000|51000|ESG1|ESGl|nVent ESG1|nVent ESGl|inVent ESG1|inVent ESGl:
Part #:ERISC2D
- nVent SC2D|nVent SCzD|inVent SC2D|inVent SCzD|SC2D|SCzD|00782856798064|0007828|78285679806|79806:
Part #:ERISC4D
- 00782856798200|0007828|78285679820|79820|nVent SC4D|inVent SC4D|SC4D:
Part #:ILSILC10N
- HAND DIE RACHET TOOL 8-1/0|Hand Operated Die Ratchet Crimping Tool, Conductor Range 1/0-8 CU|ILSCO ILC-10-N|ILSCO ILC 10 N|ILSCO ILC10N|ILSCO ILC-1o-N|ILSCO ILC-l0-N| ILC-10-N| ILC 10 N| ILC10N| ILC-1o-N| ILC-l0-N|ILC-10-N|ILC 10 N|ILC10N|ILC-1o-N|ILC-l0-N|00783669502381|0007836|78366950238|50238:
Part #:SCB820D
- Thomas & Betts 820-D|Thomas & Betts 820 D|Thomas & Betts 820D|Thomas & Betts 8z0-D|Thomas & Betts 82o-D|ThomasBetts 820-D|ThomasBetts 820 D|ThomasBetts 820D|ThomasBetts 8z0-D|ThomasBetts 82o-D|T&B 820-D|T&B 820 D|T&B 820D|T&B 8z0-D|T&B 82o-D|Thomis & Betts 820-D|Thomis & Betts 820 D|Thomis & Betts 820D|Thomis & Betts 8z0-D|Thomis & Betts 82o-D|Thomas & Bets 820-D|Thomas & Bets 820 D|Thomas & Bets 820D|Thomas & Bets 8z0-D|Thomas & Bets 82o-D|Tomas & Bets 820-D|Tomas & Bets 820 D|Tomas & Bets 820D|Tomas & Bets 8z0-D|Tomas & Bets 82o-D|Tomas & Betts 820-D|Tomas & Betts 820 D|Tomas & Betts 820D|Tomas & Betts 8z0-D|Tomas & Betts 82o-D|THOMAS&BETTSABB INSTALLATION PROD. INC 820-D|THOMAS&BETTSABB INSTALLATION PROD. INC 820 D|THOMAS&BETTSABB INSTALLATION PROD. INC 820D|THOMAS&BETTSABB INSTALLATION PROD. INC 8z0-D|THOMAS&BETTSABB INSTALLATION PROD. INC 82o-D|Thomis & Bets 820-D|Thomis & Bets 820 D|Thomis & Bets 820D|Thomis & Bets 8z0-D|Thomis & Bets 82o-D|THOMAS & BETTS STRUT & FITTINGS 820-D|THOMAS & BETTS STRUT & FITTINGS 820 D|THOMAS & BETTS STRUT & FITTINGS 820D|THOMAS & BETTS STRUT & FITTINGS 8z0-D|THOMAS & BETTS STRUT & FITTINGS 82o-D|THOMAS & BETTS CORP. 820-D|THOMAS & BETTS CORP. 820 D|THOMAS & BETTS CORP. 820D|THOMAS & BETTS CORP. 8z0-D|THOMAS & BETTS CORP. 82o-D|THO THOMAS 820-D|THO THOMAS 820 D|THO THOMAS 820D|THO THOMAS 8z0-D|THO THOMAS 82o-D|THOMAS 820-D|THOMAS 820 D|THOMAS 820D|THOMAS 8z0-D|THOMAS 82o-D|THOMAS & BETTS 820-D|THOMAS & BETTS 820 D|THOMAS & BETTS 820D|THOMAS & BETTS 8z0-D|THOMAS & BETTS 82o-D|Thomas & Betts Conduit 820-D|Thomas & Betts Conduit 820 D|Thomas & Betts Conduit 820D|Thomas & Betts Conduit 8z0-D|Thomas & Betts Conduit 82o-D|ThomasBett 820-D|ThomasBett 820 D|ThomasBett 820D|ThomasBett 8z0-D|ThomasBett 82o-D|THOMAS & BETTS DMI 820-D|THOMAS & BETTS DMI 820 D|THOMAS & BETTS DMI 820D|THOMAS & BETTS DMI 8z0-D|THOMAS & BETTS DMI 82o-D|820-D|820 D|820D|8z0-D|82o-D|"STEEL BOX SUPPORT|Old Work Box Support, Pre-Galvanized Steel, Switch Box Steel-Mounting Holder, Maximum Wall Thickness 1-1/2 Inches|Accessories/spare parts for junction boxes/cases for mounting in the wall|Connection material (electrotechnical)"|00785991152104|0007859|78599115210|15210:
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