Ul 886 (1203), Ul File Number E10444, Csa c22.2 No. 25 and 30, Csa 065181, Ul Listed for Class I, Groups A, B, C, D; Class Ii, Groups E, F, G; and Class Iii
Active Filters :
- Sub Cat 1: FITTINGS
- Standard: Ul 886 (1203), Ul File Number E10444, Csa c22.2 No. 25 and 30, Csa 065181, Ul Listed for Class I, Groups A, B, C, D; Class Ii, Groups E, F, G; and Class Iii Ul 886 (1203), Ul File Number E10444, Csa c22.2 No. 30, Csa 065181, Ul Listed for Class I, Groups A, B, C, D; Class Ii, Groups E, F, G; and Class Iii Ul 886, Ul File Number E10444, Csa 025875 Certified, Class I, Division 1 and 2, Groups C, D; Class Ii, Division 1 and 2, Groups E, F, G; Class Iii
- Size: 3/4 In
Part #:APPGRJT75
- 00781381441209|0781381|781381441209|78138144120|44120|GRJT75|3/4 GRJT JUNCTION UNILET|Apleten Electric GRJT75|Apletin Electric GRJT75|Apleton Electric GRJT75|Appleten Electric GRJT75|Appletin Electric GRJT75|Appleton Electric GRJT75|Appleton GRJT75:
Part #:APPPLG75R
- O-Z Gedney PLG75R|O-Z GEDNEY PLG75R|OZGEDNEY PLG75R|OZ-GEDNEY PLG75R|OZ Gedey PLG75R|O-Z Gedey PLG75R|OZ Gedney PLG75R|O-ZGEDNEY BY EMERSON PLG75R|OZGED PLG75R|PLG75R|"3/4 IN CLOSE-UP PLUG|OZ-Gedney Type PLG Internal Recessed Threaded Insert Plug, Size:
- 3/4 IN, Steel, Connection
Part #:APPEYS2
- 00781381704694|0781381|781381704694|78138170469|70469|EYS2|3/4 EYS SEALING UNILET-|Apleten Electric EYS2|Apletin Electric EYS2|Apleton Electric EYS2|Appleten Electric EYS2|Appletin Electric EYS2|Appleton Electric EYS2|Appleton EYS2:
Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3 Matching Items