500 & 700 Series Raceway

Displaying: 1 - 24 of 35 Matching Items
35 Items
Part #:W-MV700
00786776070194|0007867|78677607019|07019|"STL RACEWAY 700 IVORY|Ivory 700 Series raceway from Wiremold is ideal for surface mounting small amounts of electrical wiring or communication cables. These rugged raceways offer a low profile appearance which blend with any decor. Available in our exclusive ScuffCoat finish in 10 foot lengths. For 5' lengths order catalog numbers with the ""-5"" suffix. Finish - Ivory|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems"|Wiremold V700|Wiremold V7oo|WIREMOLD V700|WIREMOLD V7oo|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V700|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V7oo|V700|V7oo:
$ 3.46 CA
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Part #:MCG2273
Appleton Electric 2273|Appleton Electric zz73|Apleton 2273|Apleton zz73|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON 2273|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON zz73|APPLETON GROUP 2273|APPLETON GROUP zz73|APPLETN 2273|APPLETN zz73|Appleton NON-STOCK 2273|Appleton NON-STOCK zz73|APLE 2273|APLE zz73|APPLETON 2273|APPLETON zz73|Apletin Electric 2273|Apletin Electric zz73|Appletin Electric 2273|Appletin Electric zz73|Apleton Electric 2273|Apleton Electric zz73|Appleton Electric 2273|Appleton Electric zz73|Apletin 2273|Apletin zz73|Appletin 2273|Appletin zz73|Appleton 2273|Appleton zz73|APLEN 2273|APLEN zz73|2273|zz73|00362832903881|0003628|36283290388|90388|Light technical accessories/spare parts for luminaires|Accessories for lighting:
$ 21.37
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Part #:MCG2295
Light technical accessories/spare parts for luminaires|Accessories for lighting|Appleton Electric 2295|Appleton Electric zz95|Apleton 2295|Apleton zz95|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON 2295|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON zz95|APPLETON GROUP 2295|APPLETON GROUP zz95|APPLETN 2295|APPLETN zz95|Appleton NON-STOCK 2295|Appleton NON-STOCK zz95|APLE 2295|APLE zz95|APPLETON 2295|APPLETON zz95|Apletin Electric 2295|Apletin Electric zz95|Appletin Electric 2295|Appletin Electric zz95|Apleton Electric 2295|Apleton Electric zz95|Appleton Electric 2295|Appleton Electric zz95|Apletin 2295|Apletin zz95|Appletin 2295|Appletin zz95|Appleton 2295|Appleton zz95|APLEN 2295|APLEN zz95|00362832909689|0003628|36283290968|90968|2295|zz95:
$ 12.91
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Part #:SCB820D
Thomas & Betts 820-D|Thomas & Betts 820 D|Thomas & Betts 820D|Thomas & Betts 8z0-D|Thomas & Betts 82o-D|ThomasBetts 820-D|ThomasBetts 820 D|ThomasBetts 820D|ThomasBetts 8z0-D|ThomasBetts 82o-D|T&B 820-D|T&B 820 D|T&B 820D|T&B 8z0-D|T&B 82o-D|Thomis & Betts 820-D|Thomis & Betts 820 D|Thomis & Betts 820D|Thomis & Betts 8z0-D|Thomis & Betts 82o-D|Thomas & Bets 820-D|Thomas & Bets 820 D|Thomas & Bets 820D|Thomas & Bets 8z0-D|Thomas & Bets 82o-D|Tomas & Bets 820-D|Tomas & Bets 820 D|Tomas & Bets 820D|Tomas & Bets 8z0-D|Tomas & Bets 82o-D|Tomas & Betts 820-D|Tomas & Betts 820 D|Tomas & Betts 820D|Tomas & Betts 8z0-D|Tomas & Betts 82o-D|THOMAS&BETTSABB INSTALLATION PROD. INC 820-D|THOMAS&BETTSABB INSTALLATION PROD. INC 820 D|THOMAS&BETTSABB INSTALLATION PROD. INC 820D|THOMAS&BETTSABB INSTALLATION PROD. INC 8z0-D|THOMAS&BETTSABB INSTALLATION PROD. INC 82o-D|Thomis & Bets 820-D|Thomis & Bets 820 D|Thomis & Bets 820D|Thomis & Bets 8z0-D|Thomis & Bets 82o-D|THOMAS & BETTS STRUT & FITTINGS 820-D|THOMAS & BETTS STRUT & FITTINGS 820 D|THOMAS & BETTS STRUT & FITTINGS 820D|THOMAS & BETTS STRUT & FITTINGS 8z0-D|THOMAS & BETTS STRUT & FITTINGS 82o-D|THOMAS & BETTS CORP. 820-D|THOMAS & BETTS CORP. 820 D|THOMAS & BETTS CORP. 820D|THOMAS & BETTS CORP. 8z0-D|THOMAS & BETTS CORP. 82o-D|THO THOMAS 820-D|THO THOMAS 820 D|THO THOMAS 820D|THO THOMAS 8z0-D|THO THOMAS 82o-D|THOMAS 820-D|THOMAS 820 D|THOMAS 820D|THOMAS 8z0-D|THOMAS 82o-D|THOMAS & BETTS 820-D|THOMAS & BETTS 820 D|THOMAS & BETTS 820D|THOMAS & BETTS 8z0-D|THOMAS & BETTS 82o-D|Thomas & Betts Conduit 820-D|Thomas & Betts Conduit 820 D|Thomas & Betts Conduit 820D|Thomas & Betts Conduit 8z0-D|Thomas & Betts Conduit 82o-D|ThomasBett 820-D|ThomasBett 820 D|ThomasBett 820D|ThomasBett 8z0-D|ThomasBett 82o-D|THOMAS & BETTS DMI 820-D|THOMAS & BETTS DMI 820 D|THOMAS & BETTS DMI 820D|THOMAS & BETTS DMI 8z0-D|THOMAS & BETTS DMI 82o-D|820-D|820 D|820D|8z0-D|82o-D|"STEEL BOX SUPPORT|Old Work Box Support, Pre-Galvanized Steel, Switch Box Steel-Mounting Holder, Maximum Wall Thickness 1-1/2 Inches|Accessories/spare parts for junction boxes/cases for mounting in the wall|Connection material (electrotechnical)"|00785991152104|0007859|78599115210|15210:
$ 2.56
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Part #:W-MV5711LHA
Wiremold V5711LHA|Wiremold V57llLHA|WIREMOLD V5711LHA|WIREMOLD V57llLHA|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5711LHA|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V57llLHA|V5711LHA|V57llLHA|INTERNAL 90 DEG TWISTED LEFT HAND|This ivory fitting allows 500 or 700 Series raceway to make 90 degree twist with a 90 degree left hand turn. An example of this would be a transition from a sidewall to the edge of a door or window trim. A twistout in the cover allows the part to adapt from 500 to 700 Series Raceway. Finish - Ivory|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems|00786776042207|0007867|78677604220|04220:
$ 11.86 CA
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Part #:W-MV5711RHA
00786776042740|0007867|78677604274|04274|INTERNAL 90 DEG TWISTED RIGHT HAND|This ivory fitting allows 500 or 700 Series raceway to make 90 degree twist with a 90 degree right hand turn. An example of this would be a transition from a sidewall to the edge of a door or window trim. A twistout in the cover allows the part to adapt from 500 to 700 Series Raceway. Finish - Ivory|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems|Wiremold V5711RHA|Wiremold V57llRHA|WIREMOLD V5711RHA|WIREMOLD V57llRHA|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5711RHA|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V57llRHA|V5711RHA|V57llRHA:
$ 11.86 CA
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Part #:W-MV511
STL FLAT 90 D. ELBOW 500 IVORY|This ivory fittinig allows 500 raceway to make a 90 degree turn on same surface or wall. Finish - Ivory|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems|00786776070156|0007867|78677607015|07015|Wiremold V511|Wiremold V5ll|WIREMOLD V511|WIREMOLD V5ll|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V511|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5ll|V511|V5ll:
$ 4.51 CA
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Part #:W-MV517
00786776070170|0007867|78677607017|07017|STL INT. ELBOW 500 IVORY|This ivory fittinig allows 500 raceway to make a 90 degree turn at an inside corner. Finish - Ivory|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems|V517|V5l7|Wiremold V517|Wiremold V5l7|WIREMOLD V517|WIREMOLD V5l7|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V517|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5l7:
$ 5.60 CA
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Part #:W-MV518
V518|V5l8|Wiremold V518|Wiremold V5l8|WIREMOLD V518|WIREMOLD V5l8|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V518|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5l8|STL EXT. ELBOW 500 IVORY|This ivory fittinig allows 500 raceway to make a 90 degree turn at an outside corner. Finish - Ivory|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems|00786776070187|0007867|78677607018|07018:
$ 5.14 CA
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Part #:W-MV711
V711|V7ll|Wiremold V711|Wiremold V7ll|WIREMOLD V711|WIREMOLD V7ll|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V711|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V7ll|STL FLAT 90 D. ELBOW 700 IVORY|This ivory fitting allows 700 raceway to make a 90 degree turn on same surface or wall. Finish - Ivory|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems|00786776070224|0007867|78677607022|07022:
$ 4.74 CA
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Part #:W-MV717
V717|V7l7|Wiremold V717|Wiremold V7l7|WIREMOLD V717|WIREMOLD V7l7|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V717|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V7l7|STL INT. ELBOW 700 IVORY|This ivory fittinig allows 700 raceway to make a 90 degree turn at an inside corner. Finish - Ivory|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems|00786776070248|0007867|78677607024|07024:
$ 6.49 CA
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Part #:W-MV718
00786776070255|0007867|78677607025|07025|STL EXT. ELBOW 700 IVORY|This ivory fittinig allows 700 raceway to make a 90 degree turn at an outside corner. Finish - Ivory|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems|Wiremold V718|Wiremold V7l8|WIREMOLD V718|WIREMOLD V7l8|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V718|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V7l8|V718|V7l8:
$ 5.89 CA
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Part #:W-MV5703
Wiremold V5703|Wiremold V57o3|WIREMOLD V5703|WIREMOLD V57o3|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5703|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V57o3|V5703|V57o3|00786776189544|0007867|78677618954|18954|STL SUPPORT CLIP IVORY|Supports lengths of 500 and 700 Series Raceway. Ivory.|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems:
$ 1.26 CA
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Part #:W-MV5715
STL TEE IVORY|Connects branches of 700 Series Raceway at right angles. When used with 700 Series Raceway, break out crescent twistout in cover. Ivory|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems|00786776070309|0007867|78677607030|07030|V5715|V57l5|Wiremold V5715|Wiremold V57l5|WIREMOLD V5715|WIREMOLD V57l5|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5715|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V57l5:
$ 10.80 CA
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Part #:W-MV5737
5700 RND EXT OPEN BASE|Mounts onto 3 1/4" or 4" (83mm or 102mm) conduit boxex, or other recessed outlets. Cover accepts devices with mounting screw centers of 2 3/4", 3 1/2", or 4 1/16" (70mm, 89mm, or 103mm). Can be used with 5736 Blank Cover as a pull or junction box. Outside diameter 4 3/4" (121mm). Ivory|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems|00786776070408|0007867|78677607040|07040|Wiremold V5737|WIREMOLD V5737|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5737|V5737:
$ 31.03 CA
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Part #:W-MV5738
Wiremold V5738|WIREMOLD V5738|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5738|V5738|"5700 SLD BASE FIX BOX 4.75IN DIA IV|Used to hang fixtures. Cover accepts devices with mounting screw centers of 2 3/4"", 3 1/2"", and 4 1/16"" (70mm, 89mm, and 103mm). Base has four holes for fixture studs, four 1/2"" trade size KOs, and raised section for no-bolt fixture-stud. Use as a junction or pull box with 5736 Blank Cover. Outside diameter 4 3/4"" (121mm). NOTE:
Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, change the ""V"" color prefix to ""VC|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems"|00786776070422|0007867|78677607042|07042
$ 28.91 CA
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Part #:W-MV5738A
00786776070439|0007867|78677607043|07043|"5700 SLD BASE FIX BOX 5.5IN DIA IV|Used to hang fixtures. Cover accepts devices with mounting screw centers of 2 3/4"", 3 1/2"", and 4 1/16"" (70mm, 89mm, and 103mm). Base has four holes for fixture studs, four 1/2"" trade size KOs, and raised section for no-bolt fixture-stud. Use as a junction or pull box with 5736 Blank Cover. Outside diameter 5 1/2"" (140mm). NOTE:
Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, change the ""V"" color prefix to ""VC"" "|Wiremold V5738A|WIREMOLD V5738A|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5738A|V5738A
$ 29.43 CA
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Part #:W-MV5739
Wiremold V5739|WIREMOLD V5739|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5739|V5739|"5700 SLD BASE FIX BOX 6.38IN DIA IV|Used to hang fixtures. Cover accepts devices with mounting screw centers of 2 3/4"", 3 1/2"", and 4 1/16"" (70mm, 89mm, and 103mm). Base has four holes for fixture studs, four 1/2"" trade size KOs, and raised section for no-bolt fixture-stud. Use as a junction or pull box with 5736 Blank Cover. Outside diameter 6 3/8"" (162mm). NOTE:
Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, change the ""V"" color prefix to ""VC|Cable ladder|Cable carrying systems"|00786776070446|0007867|78677607044|07044
$ 34.74 CA
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Part #:W-MV5744
Wiremold V5744|Wiremold V5744|WIREMOLD V5744|WIREMOLD V5744|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5744|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5744|00786776070477|0007867|78677607047|07047|V5744|V5744:
$ 46.29 CA
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Part #:W-MV5744S
00786776070484|0007867|78677607048|07048|"STL DEEP DEV BOX IVORY|Designed especially for use in the installation of signal system and alarm wiring. Base has 1/2"" trade size KOs. Larger gang boxes available by special order. Single-gang:
4 5/8"" L x 2 7/8"" W (117mm x 73mm). Accepts NEMA single-gang standard faceplates. NOTE
$ 43.74 CA
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Part #:W-MV57442
STL EXTRA DEEP DEV BOX 2G IVORY|For deep devices such as momentary contact, remote control switches, and hospital signaling system devices. Base has 1/2" trade size KOs. Larger gang boxes available by special order. Two-gang:
4 3/4" L x 4 3/4" W (121mm x 121mm). Accepts NEMA double-gang standard faceplates. NOTE
$ 58.23 CA
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Part #:W-MV5745
STL COMB DEV BOX IVORY|Connects to surface runs of 1/2" trade size conduit. Cover has 1/2" trade size KOs and two raceway twistouts on one end and three raceway twistouts on opposite end, two 1/2" KOs and a raceway twistout on each side. Base has two 1/2" trade size KOs. Larger gang boxes are available by special order. Accepts NEMA single-gang standard faceplates. NOTE:
Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, change the "V" color prefix to |00786776070514|0007867|78677607051|07051|V5745|Wiremold V5745|WIREMOLD V5745|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5745
$ 19.77 CA
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Part #:W-MV5747
Wiremold V5747|Wiremold V5747|WIREMOLD V5747|WIREMOLD V5747|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5747|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5747|00786776070521|0007867|78677607052|07052|V5747|V5747:
$ 16.09 CA
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Part #:W-MV57472
V57472|V5747z|Wiremold V57472|Wiremold V5747z|WIREMOLD V57472|WIREMOLD V5747z|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V57472|WMD WIREMOLD WALKER SYSTEMS V5747z|"STL SHALLOW DEVICE BOX 2G IVORY|For standard shallow switches and receptacles including single-gang combination devices. Base has two 1/2"" trade size KOs. Larger gang boxes available by special order. Two-gang:
4 3/4"" L x 4 3/4"" W (121mm x 121mm). Accepts NEMA double-gang standard faceplates. NOTE
$ 31.29 CA
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Displaying: 1 - 24 of 35 Matching Items