Supplemental Protection
1 Hole Click-on Strap
Active Filters :
Part #:CONP1880-CH4-2.5
Part #:CONP1880-Z-02-20.9
Part #:NEE1801
- 1/2 IN 1 HOLE STRAP STL|Features:
- 1.85IN Length X 0.62IN Width X 0.8IN Height, 1/4IN Dia Hole, For Rigid Conduit And IMC, Size
Part #:NEE1802
- APPOZGCOMM 1802|APPOZGCOMM 180z|APPOZGCOMM 18o2|APPOZGCOMM l802|APOZGCOMM 1802|APOZGCOMM 180z|APOZGCOMM 18o2|APOZGCOMM l802|APPOZGCOM 1802|APPOZGCOM 180z|APPOZGCOM 18o2|APPOZGCOM l802|APOZGCOM 1802|APOZGCOM 180z|APOZGCOM 18o2|APOZGCOM l802|00687855218028|0006878|68785521802|21802|1802|180z|18o2|l802|"3/4 IN 1 HOLE STRAP STL|Features:
- 1.22IN Length X 0.75IN Width X 0.92IN Height, 1/4IN Dia Hole, For Rigid Conduit And IMC, Size
Part #:NEE1803
- APPOZGCOMM 1803|APPOZGCOMM 18o3|APPOZGCOMM l803|APOZGCOMM 1803|APOZGCOMM 18o3|APOZGCOMM l803|APPOZGCOM 1803|APPOZGCOM 18o3|APPOZGCOM l803|APOZGCOM 1803|APOZGCOM 18o3|APOZGCOM l803|1803|18o3|l803|00687855218035|0006878|68785521803|21803|"1 IN 1 HOLE STRAP STL|Features:
- 2.65IN Length X 0.87IN Width X 1.15IN Height, 5/16IN Dia Hole, For Rigid Conduit And IMC, Size
Part #:NEE1804
- 1804|18o4|l804|00687855218042|0006878|68785521804|21804|APPOZGCOMM 1804|APPOZGCOMM 18o4|APPOZGCOMM l804|APOZGCOMM 1804|APOZGCOMM 18o4|APOZGCOMM l804|APPOZGCOM 1804|APPOZGCOM 18o4|APPOZGCOM l804|APOZGCOM 1804|APOZGCOM 18o4|APOZGCOM l804|"1-1/4 IN 1 HOLE STRAP STL|Features:
- 2.98IN Length X 0.99IN Width X 1.41IN Height, 3/8IN Dia Hole, For Rigid Conduit And IMC, Size
Part #:NEE1805
- APPOZGCOMM 1805|APPOZGCOMM 18o5|APPOZGCOMM l805|APOZGCOMM 1805|APOZGCOMM 18o5|APOZGCOMM l805|APPOZGCOM 1805|APPOZGCOM 18o5|APPOZGCOM l805|APOZGCOM 1805|APOZGCOM 18o5|APOZGCOM l805|1805|18o5|l805|00687855218059|0006878|68785521805|21805|"1-1/2 IN 1 HOLE STRAP STL|Features:
- 3.51IN Length X 1IN Width X 1.61IN Height, 7/16IN Dia Hole, For Rigid Conduit And IMC, Size
Part #:NEE1806
- 00687855218066|0006878|68785521806|21806|1806|18o6|l806|APPOZGCOMM 1806|APPOZGCOMM 18o6|APPOZGCOMM l806|APOZGCOMM 1806|APOZGCOMM 18o6|APOZGCOMM l806|APPOZGCOM 1806|APPOZGCOM 18o6|APPOZGCOM l806|APOZGCOM 1806|APOZGCOM 18o6|APOZGCOM l806|"2 IN 1 HOLE STRAP STL|Features:
- 4.17IN Length X 1.14IN Width X 1.97IN Height, 17/32IN Dia Hole, For Rigid Conduit And IMC, Size
Part #:NEE1807
- 2-1/2 IN 1 HOLE STRAP STL|Features:
- 4.99IN Length X 1.24IN Width X 2.85IN Height, 17/32IN Dia Hole, For Rigid Conduit And IMC, Size
Part #:NEE1808
- 3 IN 1 HOLE STRAP STL|Features:
- 5.55IN Length X 1.25IN Width X 3.47IN Height, 17/32IN Dia Hole, For Rigid Conduit And IMC, Size
Part #:NEE1810
- APPOZGCOMM 1810|APPOZGCOMM 181o|APPOZGCOMM l8l0|APOZGCOMM 1810|APOZGCOMM 181o|APOZGCOMM l8l0|APPOZGCOM 1810|APPOZGCOM 181o|APPOZGCOM l8l0|APOZGCOM 1810|APOZGCOM 181o|APOZGCOM l8l0|00687855218103|0006878|68785521810|21810|1810|181o|l8l0|"4 IN 1 HOLE STRAP STL|Features:
- 7IN Length X 1.26IN Width X 4.51IN Height, 17/32IN Dia Hole, For Rigid Conduit And IMC, Size
Part #:APPT17
- T17|Tl7|00781381507066|0007813|78138150706|50706|Appleton Electric T17|Appleton Electric Tl7|Apleton T17|Apleton Tl7|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON T17|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON Tl7|APPLETON GROUP T17|APPLETON GROUP Tl7|APPLETN T17|APPLETN Tl7|Appleton NON-STOCK T17|Appleton NON-STOCK Tl7|APLE T17|APLE Tl7|APPLETON T17|APPLETON Tl7|Apletin Electric T17|Apletin Electric Tl7|Appletin Electric T17|Appletin Electric Tl7|Apleton Electric T17|Apleton Electric Tl7|Appleton Electric T17|Appleton Electric Tl7|Apletin T17|Apletin Tl7|Appletin T17|Appletin Tl7|Appleton T17|Appleton Tl7|APLEN T17|APLEN Tl7|"1/2 FM7 BODY|FM7 UNILETS Type T Conduit Outlet Body, Hub Size:
- 1/2 IN, Form
Part #:APPT27
- O-Z Gedney T27|O-Z Gedney Tz7|O-Z GEDNEY T27|O-Z GEDNEY Tz7|OZGEDNEY T27|OZGEDNEY Tz7|OZ-GEDNEY T27|OZ-GEDNEY Tz7|OZ Gedey T27|OZ Gedey Tz7|O-Z Gedey T27|O-Z Gedey Tz7|OZ Gedney T27|OZ Gedney Tz7|O-ZGEDNEY BY EMERSON T27|O-ZGEDNEY BY EMERSON Tz7|OZGED T27|OZGED Tz7|T27|Tz7|00783126517262|0007831|78312651726|51726|"3/4 IN FORM7 T COND BODY|OZ-Gedney Type T Conduit Body, 3/4 IN Hub, Form:
- 7, Length
Part #:APPT50M
- Appleton Electric T50-M|Appleton Electric T50 M|Appleton Electric T50M|Appleton Electric T5o-M|Apleton T50-M|Apleton T50 M|Apleton T50M|Apleton T5o-M|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON T50-M|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON T50 M|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON T50M|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON T5o-M|APPLETON GROUP T50-M|APPLETON GROUP T50 M|APPLETON GROUP T50M|APPLETON GROUP T5o-M|APPLETN T50-M|APPLETN T50 M|APPLETN T50M|APPLETN T5o-M|Appleton NON-STOCK T50-M|Appleton NON-STOCK T50 M|Appleton NON-STOCK T50M|Appleton NON-STOCK T5o-M|APLE T50-M|APLE T50 M|APLE T50M|APLE T5o-M|APPLETON T50-M|APPLETON T50 M|APPLETON T50M|APPLETON T5o-M|Apletin Electric T50-M|Apletin Electric T50 M|Apletin Electric T50M|Apletin Electric T5o-M|Appletin Electric T50-M|Appletin Electric T50 M|Appletin Electric T50M|Appletin Electric T5o-M|Apleton Electric T50-M|Apleton Electric T50 M|Apleton Electric T50M|Apleton Electric T5o-M|Appleton Electric T50-M|Appleton Electric T50 M|Appleton Electric T50M|Appleton Electric T5o-M|Apletin T50-M|Apletin T50 M|Apletin T50M|Apletin T5o-M|Appletin T50-M|Appletin T50 M|Appletin T50M|Appletin T5o-M|Appleton T50-M|Appleton T50 M|Appleton T50M|Appleton T5o-M|APLEN T50-M|APLEN T50 M|APLEN T50M|APLEN T5o-M|T50-M|T50 M|T50M|T5o-M|00781381686853|0007813|78138168685|68685|"1/2 FORM 35 TYPE T THR|Form 35 UNILETS Type T Conduit Outlet Body, Hub Size:
- 1/2 IN, Form
Part #:APPT100M
- 00781381687355|0007813|78138168735|68735|T100-M|T100 M|T100M|T1oo-M|Tl00-M|Appleton Electric T100-M|Appleton Electric T100 M|Appleton Electric T100M|Appleton Electric T1oo-M|Appleton Electric Tl00-M|Apleton T100-M|Apleton T100 M|Apleton T100M|Apleton T1oo-M|Apleton Tl00-M|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON T100-M|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON T100 M|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON T100M|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON T1oo-M|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON Tl00-M|APPLETON GROUP T100-M|APPLETON GROUP T100 M|APPLETON GROUP T100M|APPLETON GROUP T1oo-M|APPLETON GROUP Tl00-M|APPLETN T100-M|APPLETN T100 M|APPLETN T100M|APPLETN T1oo-M|APPLETN Tl00-M|Appleton NON-STOCK T100-M|Appleton NON-STOCK T100 M|Appleton NON-STOCK T100M|Appleton NON-STOCK T1oo-M|Appleton NON-STOCK Tl00-M|APLE T100-M|APLE T100 M|APLE T100M|APLE T1oo-M|APLE Tl00-M|APPLETON T100-M|APPLETON T100 M|APPLETON T100M|APPLETON T1oo-M|APPLETON Tl00-M|Apletin Electric T100-M|Apletin Electric T100 M|Apletin Electric T100M|Apletin Electric T1oo-M|Apletin Electric Tl00-M|Appletin Electric T100-M|Appletin Electric T100 M|Appletin Electric T100M|Appletin Electric T1oo-M|Appletin Electric Tl00-M|Apleton Electric T100-M|Apleton Electric T100 M|Apleton Electric T100M|Apleton Electric T1oo-M|Apleton Electric Tl00-M|Appleton Electric T100-M|Appleton Electric T100 M|Appleton Electric T100M|Appleton Electric T1oo-M|Appleton Electric Tl00-M|Apletin T100-M|Apletin T100 M|Apletin T100M|Apletin T1oo-M|Apletin Tl00-M|Appletin T100-M|Appletin T100 M|Appletin T100M|Appletin T1oo-M|Appletin Tl00-M|Appleton T100-M|Appleton T100 M|Appleton T100M|Appleton T1oo-M|Appleton Tl00-M|APLEN T100-M|APLEN T100 M|APLEN T100M|APLEN T1oo-M|APLEN Tl00-M|"1 FORM 35 TYPE T THR U|Form 35 UNILETS Type T Conduit Outlet Body, Hub Size:
- 1 IN, Form
Part #:APPT200M
- Appleton Electric T200-M|Appleton Electric T200 M|Appleton Electric T200M|Appleton Electric Tz00-M|Appleton Electric T2oo-M|Apleton T200-M|Apleton T200 M|Apleton T200M|Apleton Tz00-M|Apleton T2oo-M|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON T200-M|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON T200 M|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON T200M|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON Tz00-M|APPLETON ELECTRIC BY EMERSON T2oo-M|APPLETON GROUP T200-M|APPLETON GROUP T200 M|APPLETON GROUP T200M|APPLETON GROUP Tz00-M|APPLETON GROUP T2oo-M|APPLETN T200-M|APPLETN T200 M|APPLETN T200M|APPLETN Tz00-M|APPLETN T2oo-M|Appleton NON-STOCK T200-M|Appleton NON-STOCK T200 M|Appleton NON-STOCK T200M|Appleton NON-STOCK Tz00-M|Appleton NON-STOCK T2oo-M|APLE T200-M|APLE T200 M|APLE T200M|APLE Tz00-M|APLE T2oo-M|APPLETON T200-M|APPLETON T200 M|APPLETON T200M|APPLETON Tz00-M|APPLETON T2oo-M|Apletin Electric T200-M|Apletin Electric T200 M|Apletin Electric T200M|Apletin Electric Tz00-M|Apletin Electric T2oo-M|Appletin Electric T200-M|Appletin Electric T200 M|Appletin Electric T200M|Appletin Electric Tz00-M|Appletin Electric T2oo-M|Apleton Electric T200-M|Apleton Electric T200 M|Apleton Electric T200M|Apleton Electric Tz00-M|Apleton Electric T2oo-M|Appleton Electric T200-M|Appleton Electric T200 M|Appleton Electric T200M|Appleton Electric Tz00-M|Appleton Electric T2oo-M|Apletin T200-M|Apletin T200 M|Apletin T200M|Apletin Tz00-M|Apletin T2oo-M|Appletin T200-M|Appletin T200 M|Appletin T200M|Appletin Tz00-M|Appletin T2oo-M|Appleton T200-M|Appleton T200 M|Appleton T200M|Appleton Tz00-M|Appleton T2oo-M|APLEN T200-M|APLEN T200 M|APLEN T200M|APLEN Tz00-M|APLEN T2oo-M|00781381688109|0007813|78138168810|68810|T200-M|T200 M|T200M|Tz00-M|T2oo-M|"2 FORM 35 TYPE T THR U|Form 35 UNILETS Type T Conduit Outlet Body, Hub Size:
- 2 IN, Form
Part #:FRZTRM1
- Mersen TRM1|Mersen TRMl|MERSEN FERRAZ TRM1|MERSEN FERRAZ TRMl|Mersin TRM1|Mersin TRMl|Merson TRM1|Merson TRMl|MERS TRM1|MERS TRMl|Ferazz TRM1|Ferazz TRMl|Mersan TRM1|Mersan TRMl|TRM1|TRMl|00782001743178|0007820|78200174317|74317|"250V 1A 1 1/2x13/32 MID TD|Tri-Onic TRM time-delay midget fuses are rated 250VAC and are offered in 36 ampere ratings from 1/10A to 30A. They have 12 seconds time-delay at 200 percent rating to provide supplemental protection of small motors, small transformers and other high inrush loads, plus many other 250 volt applications. (Not for Branch Circuit Protection) 250 Volts 1 amps.|Cylindrical fuse|Circuit breakers and fuses":
Part #:FRZTRM1610
- Mersen TRM1-6/10|Mersen TRM1 6/10|Mersen TRM16/10|Mersen TRM1-6/1o|Mersen TRMl-6/l0|Mersen TRM1-610|MERSEN FERRAZ TRM1-6/10|MERSEN FERRAZ TRM1 6/10|MERSEN FERRAZ TRM16/10|MERSEN FERRAZ TRM1-6/1o|MERSEN FERRAZ TRMl-6/l0|MERSEN FERRAZ TRM1-610|Mersin TRM1-6/10|Mersin TRM1 6/10|Mersin TRM16/10|Mersin TRM1-6/1o|Mersin TRMl-6/l0|Mersin TRM1-610|Merson TRM1-6/10|Merson TRM1 6/10|Merson TRM16/10|Merson TRM1-6/1o|Merson TRMl-6/l0|Merson TRM1-610|MERS TRM1-6/10|MERS TRM1 6/10|MERS TRM16/10|MERS TRM1-6/1o|MERS TRMl-6/l0|MERS TRM1-610|Ferazz TRM1-6/10|Ferazz TRM1 6/10|Ferazz TRM16/10|Ferazz TRM1-6/1o|Ferazz TRMl-6/l0|Ferazz TRM1-610|Mersan TRM1-6/10|Mersan TRM1 6/10|Mersan TRM16/10|Mersan TRM1-6/1o|Mersan TRMl-6/l0|Mersan TRM1-610|TRM1-6/10|TRM1 6/10|TRM16/10|TRM1-6/1o|TRMl-6/l0|TRM1-610|"250V 1 6/10A 1 1/2x13/32 MID T|Tri-Onic TRM time-delay midget fuses are rated 250VAC and are offered in 36 ampere ratings from 1/10A to 30A. They have 12 seconds time-delay at 200 percent rating to provide supplemental protection of small motors, small transformers and other high inrush loads, plus many other 250 volt applications. (Not for Branch Circuit Protection) 250 Volts 1.6 amps.|Cylindrical fuse|Circuit breakers and fuses"|00782001743253|0007820|78200174325|74325:
Part #:FRZTRM2
- 250V 2A 1 1/2x13/32 MID TD|Tri-Onic TRM time-delay midget fuses are rated 250VAC and are offered in 36 ampere ratings from 1/10A to 30A. They have 12 seconds time-delay at 200 percent rating to provide supplemental protection of small motors, small transformers and other high inrush loads, plus many other 250 volt applications. (Not for Branch Circuit Protection) 250 Volts 2 amps.|Cylindrical fuse|Circuit breakers and fuses|00782001743291|0007820|78200174329|74329|TRM2|TRMz|Mersen TRM2|Mersen TRMz|MERSEN FERRAZ TRM2|MERSEN FERRAZ TRMz|Mersin TRM2|Mersin TRMz|Merson TRM2|Merson TRMz|MERS TRM2|MERS TRMz|Ferazz TRM2|Ferazz TRMz|Mersan TRM2|Mersan TRMz:
Part #:FRZTRM5
- Mersen TRM5|MERSEN FERRAZ TRM5|Mersin TRM5|Merson TRM5|MERS TRM5|Ferazz TRM5|Mersan TRM5|TRM5|00782001743451|0007820|78200174345|74345|"250V 5A 1 1/2x13/32 MID TD|Tri-Onic TRM time-delay midget fuses are rated 250VAC and are offered in 36 ampere ratings from 1/10A to 30A. They have 12 seconds time-delay at 200 percent rating to provide supplemental protection of small motors, small transformers and other high inrush loads, plus many other 250 volt applications. (Not for Branch Circuit Protection) 250 Volts 5 amps.|Cylindrical fuse|Circuit breakers and fuses":
Part #:FRZTRM15
- TRM15|TRMl5|Mersen TRM15|Mersen TRMl5|MERSEN FERRAZ TRM15|MERSEN FERRAZ TRMl5|Mersin TRM15|Mersin TRMl5|Merson TRM15|Merson TRMl5|MERS TRM15|MERS TRMl5|Ferazz TRM15|Ferazz TRMl5|Mersan TRM15|Mersan TRMl5|00782001746612|0007820|78200174661|74661|"250V 15A 1 1/2x13/32 MID TD|Tri-Onic TRM time-delay midget fuses are rated 250VAC and are offered in 36 ampere ratings from 1/10A to 30A. They have 12 seconds time-delay at 200 percent rating to provide supplemental protection of small motors, small transformers and other high inrush loads, plus many other 250 volt applications. (Not for Branch Circuit Protection) 250 Volts 15 amps.|Cylindrical fuse|Circuit breakers and fuses":
Part #:FRZTRM20
- Mersen TRM20|Mersen TRMz0|Mersen TRM2o|MERSEN FERRAZ TRM20|MERSEN FERRAZ TRMz0|MERSEN FERRAZ TRM2o|Mersin TRM20|Mersin TRMz0|Mersin TRM2o|Merson TRM20|Merson TRMz0|Merson TRM2o|MERS TRM20|MERS TRMz0|MERS TRM2o|Ferazz TRM20|Ferazz TRMz0|Ferazz TRM2o|Mersan TRM20|Mersan TRMz0|Mersan TRM2o|TRM20|TRMz0|TRM2o|00782001746636|0007820|78200174663|74663|"250V 20A 1 1/2x13/32 MID TD|Tri-Onic TRM time-delay midget fuses are rated 250VAC and are offered in 36 ampere ratings from 1/10A to 30A. They have 12 seconds time-delay at 200 percent rating to provide supplemental protection of small motors, small transformers and other high inrush loads, plus many other 250 volt applications. (Not for Branch Circuit Protection) 250 Volts 20 amps.|Cylindrical fuse|Circuit breakers and fuses":
Part #:FRZTRM30
- 00782001746650|0007820|78200174665|74665|"250V 30A 1 1/2x13/32 MID TD|Tri-Onic TRM time-delay midget fuses are rated 250VAC and are offered in 36 ampere ratings from 1/10A to 30A. They have 12 seconds time-delay at 200 percent rating to provide supplemental protection of small motors, small transformers and other high inrush loads, plus many other 250 volt applications. (Not for Branch Circuit Protection) 250 Volts 30 amps.|Cylindrical fuse|Circuit breakers and fuses"|Mersen TRM30|Mersen TRM3o|MERSEN FERRAZ TRM30|MERSEN FERRAZ TRM3o|Mersin TRM30|Mersin TRM3o|Merson TRM30|Merson TRM3o|MERS TRM30|MERS TRM3o|Ferazz TRM30|Ferazz TRM3o|Mersan TRM30|Mersan TRM3o|TRM30|TRM3o:
Part #:FRZGFN10
- Mersen GFN10|Mersen GFN1o|Mersen GFNl0|MERSEN FERRAZ GFN10|MERSEN FERRAZ GFN1o|MERSEN FERRAZ GFNl0|Mersin GFN10|Mersin GFN1o|Mersin GFNl0|Merson GFN10|Merson GFN1o|Merson GFNl0|MERS GFN10|MERS GFN1o|MERS GFNl0|Ferazz GFN10|Ferazz GFN1o|Ferazz GFNl0|Mersan GFN10|Mersan GFN1o|Mersan GFNl0|GFN10|GFN1o|GFNl0|76743- FUSE 250V 10A 1-1/2X13/|GFN midget indicating fuses are available in 34 ratings from 1/10A through 30A. These time-delay fuses have built-in blown fuse indicators which pop out at the end of the fuse to visually indicate when the fuse has operated. Indicators may be used to trip a switch for remote as well as visual indication. (Not for Branch Circuit Protection). 250 Volts 10 Amps GFN series.|Cylindrical fuse|Circuit breakers and fuses|00782001767433|0007820|78200176743|76743:
Displaying: 1 - 24 of 52 Matching Items